05-Sep-2018- Regina
Our Friends' Sunny Examples of Success
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES) began the Saskatoon Solar Co-op in 2015 and has installed three large-scale solar projects in the Saskatoon area.

The Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES) began the Saskatoon Solar Co-op in 2015 and has installed three large-scale solar projects in the Saskatoon area. They are assisting the Wascana Solar Co-op with the development of our solar project.
The benefits of a community-owned solar install for community members include an opportunity to invest in and benefit from solar without requiring a space for their own installation.
Group Buy projects and large-scale solar install systems achieve savings through economies of scale. The larger solar installs also act as demonstration projects in the community.
The Saskatoon Solar Co-op has great resources about how solar energy works.