25-May-2020- Regina SK

Wascana Solar Co-op Third Annual General Meeting

Wascana Solar Co-op (WSC) will be holding our third Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, May 27 starting at 7:30 pm. Due to the restrictions of COVID 19 this will be an online meeting. All members currently holding a Class A member share can participate.

All members currently holding a Class A member share can participate.At the AGM we will be reviewing the events of the past year, reviewing reports from the President, Auditor, Group Buy and Solar Investment Opportunities programs, reviewing our budget for the upcoming year, approving resolutions to our bylaws and electing new members to the board.  

The meeting will take place via video conference using Microsoft Teams. All current members should have received an email with the AGM package asking you to Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting. On the date of our AGM simply click on the link in your email and you should be directed to the meeting. If you haven't received an email and would like to participate in the AGM please let us know at

On the day of the AGM we will have Justin Gallagher, one of our board officers, assigned to take your call, in case you have any technical difficulties. In order to accommodate you, Justin will be opening up the video conference room by 6:30 PM. You will be able to reach him either at or by cell phone 306-737-0187.

We look forward to your presence, online!  

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We're your neighbours and solar enthusiasts!

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