
Wascana Solar Co-op is proud to announce the YWCA as our second solar investment project partner!

Owners of Class C shares will be making Solar happen for this incredible community organization.

Alexis Losie and Dennis Snyder at YWCA Regina Centre for Play and Development and Amowacistin Pahkahokowin
Alexis Losie and Dennis Snyder at YWCA Regina Centre for Play and Development and Amowacistin Pahkahokowin

The install will be at the YWCA Regina Centre for Play and Development and Amowacistin Pahkahokowin located on 2nd Ave here in sunny Regina. The centre offers a full range of developmental programming to nurture children’s physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and creative lives. The Centre proudly houses Deanna's Den and Sally's Place with a total of 141childcare spaces.

Amowacistin Pahkahokowin has family reunification as its goal where family preservation is both fostered and revived. As each family presents their own strengths and challenges, they are supported in making their own choices. Each family is empowered to lead their own planning, inclusive of cultural reconnection.

Amowacistin Pahkahokowin believes in “All My Relations” where relationships to oneself, family, community, and world are reflected upon and supported in ways that will positively influence growth towards the individual and the family as a whole unit.

This partnership opportunity allows members of our community to purchase shares that will be used to create solar energy for the YWCA in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

Click the link at the top of the page to purchase your share and participate in this community initiative!

Recently featured in the Leader Post.

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