
Seasons Greetings

Dear WSC Membership,

Seasons Greetings to you all! I hope that this message finds you all well and healthy! 

In addition to wishing you well I would like to let you all know that Andrew Tait has recently stepped down from our board of directors. Andrew has served on our board since the birth of our co-op in late 2017 (I can't believe that it has been over four years now!). If you were at that first meeting, you will remember that we talked about two different programs that we wanted to start. They eventually evolved into our Solar Investment Opportunity and Group Buy programs. I can still remember Andrew approaching me after that very first meeting and saying that he wanted to help with what would become our Group Buy program. Andrew put countless hours into developing this program and successfully oversaw the execution of three group buys before passing on the direction to Will Ingenthron. Andrew then took over the Solar Investment Opportunity program, which had been a great success under the direction of John Brazill. Through his time directing the SIO program, Andrew began the long and arduous process of gaining approval for our future projects with the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan. Board member Dieter Toews has now taken over that program and will see the process through to its completion. 

We wish Andrew and his growing family the best, and hope that he can continue to offer his support and insights to us as a WSC member at large.

Again, thank you to Andrew and a Merry Christmas to all of you!

Josh Campbell

WSC President

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